Monday, April 25, 2011

The Epic Move

Just a quick update from the Jones household. We've recently made the official move from Nashville to Atlanta! And it was EPIC!!  With the amazing help of Ashley's parents, we managed to load the Uhaul, clean the duplex, and drive back to Atlanta all in one day -- albeit a LONG day!! We originally planned to stick around Friday night, but the emotions of moving were a bit too overwhelming for Ash and we needed to just get on out of town.

It was definitely hard to leave the close friendships we'd made with the people in our small group, family, other college friends, and co-workers. But I am confident that many of those relationships run deep and that we made many lifelong friends that we can look forward to visiting in Nashville, and inviting down to Atlanta once we get settled in!

The past couple weeks have been crazy and the next few are shaping up to be pretty intense as well. But Ashley and I are both so excited to see what God has in store for us! And we're thrilled that you have chosen to join us in this Great Adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your move went well. We miss you in Nashville- but I know yall will be so happy back in Atlanta!
