Monday, June 6, 2011

We Can DIY!!

Well we're back in the blog world! It's been a super busy couple of weeks! I honestly did not expect our lives to be so hectic these days... I mean there just does not seem to be enough hours in a day. But there's also lots to catch up on!

For starters, we are closing on our house on June 13th!!!!! That just so happens to be our 2 yr wedding anniversary! Pretty sweet way to celebrate our anniversary! Plus, I've been telling Ashley this will be the biggest anniversary gift she'll likely ever get :) She just laughs... but I'm not trying to be funny. Either way, we are so excited to get everything wrapped up and finally get into our first home!! Ashley is super excited because this means she can now start her "nesting." To say she is anxious to get the nursery set up is an understatement!

And although we haven't yet moved in, we've already begun to tackle some home projects. First on the list: recover some chairs. My parents were gracious enough to give us their old kitchen table and chairs. And Ashley's parents we kind enough to let us use their old dining room table and chairs. We love both of the tables, and the corresponding chairs aren't so bad either. However, the fabric that cover(ed) the chairs was definitely NOT our style. But, while I was off celebrating my buddies last few days as a single dude (a.k.a. Bachelor Party!!!) my lovely wife was home slaving away with her mom doing a complete redo of the chairs! She ROCKS!! (do I need to mention that she is 29 weeks pregnant!!) She's a champ!

To say that I am impressed with the final product is insufficient praise for the amazing chair makeover that was accomplished!! See for yourself:

Dining Room chair BEFORE
And Dining Room chair AFTER
Closer look at the fabric
Kitchen chair BEFORE
Kitchen chair AFTER
Closer look at the fabric

So what do you think? Pretty drastic change, huh? I am so excited with the "new" chairs and think they are going to look so great in our new kitchen and dining room!

Next up on the DIY list: a complete redo of a set of bar stools that were handed down from my grandmother.

So stay tuned for more excitement. Until next time...