Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lazy (Rainy) Saturday

Every now and then, we all just need to take a day (or two) and just be LAZY! Today has been that day for us. That's not say we haven't been productive... Ashley did get up and go to brunch with a dear friend. I managed to get our taxes filed. And as I sit on my lazy butt writing this, Ashley is at the gym :) So it hasn't been a "wasted" day - it's just been lazy. And the rain outside certainly doesn't help. Or perhaps it does help -- help us be lazy!

I know some of you may be thinking - "Aren't you celebrating your 'lazy' day a bit early?" And based on the popular SNL digital short "Lazy Sunday," yes - we are a day early. But who knows what tomorrow will bring... If you haven't seen the digital short, check it out:

Allow me to explain how it's been a lazy day. I slept in till 10am. Got up and made a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. **I'm pretty sure that if you start your day off with bacon, you're pretty much setting yourself up for a lazy day**

Following my "breakfast of champs" I began working on our taxes. This in itself does not sound like a lazy task, but when you're able to prop yourself up on a comfy chair with a cup of coffee nearby and March Madness on the TV -- it kinda becomes a lazy task.

Upon completing our taxes, Ashley and I were faced with a difficult decision. Should we go to the gym? Or, should we fix some lunch, climb back in bed, and watch our favorite HGTV shows? Hmmm, that's a tough one! I mean, even my lunch was lazy... EASY Mac. The name says it all. I just had to add water, microwave, stir in cheese, and EAT. Not a whole lot to that... So after a couple episodes of House Hunters and Property Virgins, Ashley's conviction to exercise pulled her to the gym. I politely declined. So now I'm back in the same comfy chair watching some more March Madness and looking forward to a relaxed (also read: lazy) night in!

So here's to soup and grilled cheese and a Redbox DVD rental!

Anybody else enjoy the occasional lazy day? What are your favorite lazy day activities?

Monday, March 21, 2011


"What does T.G.I.M. stand for?", you may ask. Well it's pretty simple -- Thank God It's Monday! I know, I know. Who's thankful for Monday!? Isn't Monday the day we dread most? The beginning of a new work week. The end of the weekend. I mean, how messed up am I to be thankful for Monday?! Allow me to explain...

I think that Monday gets the shaft too often. We're always "working for the weekend." Don't get me wrong, I look forward to the weekend just as much as the next guy! But what about Monday is so awful? I mean if we really think about it, shouldn't we be thankful for EVERY day?? Lest we forget that we are not guaranteed tomorrow... Should we not wake each day with a sense of gratitude and optimism. We have been blessed with another day -- what are we going to do with it?? It's EASY to complain. It's HARD to be positive and find the best in every situation. Yet wouldn't each day be more enjoyable if we all viewed it as an opportunity to bless someone else? Make a difference? Even just smile more? And I don't know about you, but in the grand scheme of things I have NO REASON to complain!

So why TGIM? Well here are few reasons I'm thankful it's Monday:

1) I have a job. I know this sounds silly, but there are PLENTY of people who would love to be able to go to a job on Monday morning.

2) My job enables me to provide for my family.

3) I am one day closer to being a father!! This alone should be enough reason to get excited each day!

4) It's a beautiful day outside! Even though I'm stuck inside, I am thankful that Spring has sprung and warmer days are coming.

So why are you thankful for Monday? What simple ways can you begin to adopt a more optimistic outlook on life each day?

I think we'll find that if we choose to live life with a positive outlook on each and every situation God throws our way, we'll be able to say "Thank God It's _______!" every day of the week!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Adventure Race

It has been a CRAZY last couple weeks, so I apologize for the lack of blog updates. However, you don't have to wait any longer because we have got LOTS to share! But we'll take it a day at a time.

As I sit here typing I feel incredibly sore, my legs look like a cat molested them, and I am still trying to re-hydrate. BUT -- I also sit here a 2nd place finisher in the 4-6 hour Natchez Trace Adventure Race!!! That's right! My buddy Luke Schlup and I completed a challenging race that included trail running, mountain biking, canoeing, and orienteering. We were SHOCKED to learn that we placed 2nd overall for the 4-6 hour race. Our finishing time was 5:55. Just 5 minutes short of the cut-off. The 1st place team -- 5:26. And we were among only three 2-man teams to finish the race within the 6hr time limit.

To say the race was tough is an understatement! For those who are wondering, "What's an adventure race??" -- allow me to walk you through our experience.

The race begins when we are given a packet of instructions by which we are to complete the race. Our first task was to tie ourselves together with a rope and proceed to a fire tower where we were given a map with 14 checkpoints. We were instructed to "capture" the first several checkpoints on foot, so we proceeded to follow county roads, fire roads, and trails as we tracked down the various checkpoints. However, not all the checkpoints are found in obvious, easy to access places, so to reach many of the checkpoints we had to bushwhack our way through the woods and dense brush.

Upon capturing the first set of checkpoints, we were instructed to hop on our bikes with the necessary gear for the canoeing section and capture the next set of checkpoints along a mountain bike trail. This is the section we both looked forward to the most because we know that biking is our strongest event. Unfortunately, we got off to a rough start as the trail was "single track" (meaning only wide enough for one bike at a time). This made it difficult to pass people. Plus the trail was covered in dried pine straw which made it extremely slick and difficult to maintain solid traction. However, we were able to pull away from the "pack" and get into our rhythm before too long.

The next section was paddling. There were 4 checkpoints we had to capture and were positioned at various points on the lake. We opted start out paddling into the wind with the hope that we'd have the help of the wind as we became more fatigued capturing the final paddling checkpoints. This strategy seemed to pay off.

**I do feel that I need to mention that it was at this point that we both ran out of water... This was NOT an exciting discovery for either of us. We had sucked our camelbacks dry, and would have to suffer on until the end.**

We had to make our toughest strategic decision during the paddling section. We struggled to find the final paddling checkpoint. We knew there was one more checkpoint we'd have to get as we biked back to the finish, but knew we didn't have time to get both. We opted to look a bit longer for the final paddling checkpoint since we were already in close proximity to it. This decision turned out to be the difference between finishing the race in under 6hrs and qualifying for the 2nd place award, and being disqualified for not finishing within the allotted time.

So we found the final paddling checkpoint and hustled back to our bikes for the final ride to the finish. This ride was MISERABLE! We both thought we were about to die. We were dehydrated, tired, and our legs were cramping, but we knew that we had to keep peddling. We were at that point where everything just seems to move slower and you start to kind of fade between coherency and stupor. All I could think about was the Gatorade waiting for me at the finish. All Luke could think about was the PB&J sandwich waiting for him at the finish.

But finish we did!! And as we sat, completely exhausted and totally spent waiting for everyone to finish and the results to be announced, we realized that we had actually done really well! And when we realized that we'd place 2nd overall -- we were pumped!! Our efforts were not in vain! Our blood was shed for a purpose! And our teamwork and determination had paid off!!

Here's some pics from the day:

Getting geared up and tied together as we started the race.

This was a bonus challenge they added to keep us on our toes

Plotting our course and strategizing

About to embark on the bike/paddling section

Here we are totally wiped out, coming up the final stretch to the finish

We finished!!

The carnage from all the bushwhacking

Exhausted and trying to rehydrate and eat some food

Our plaque and beach towels :-)

Overall, it was a very difficult and challenging race!! But it was tons of fun!! We'll see if there's a next year... kinda thinking there will be :-)

But until later, we're just the Joneses trying to keep up.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wheel of Fortune. Really?!?

Sorry for the lame title… as hard as I tried, I could not come up with anything witty or clever – I hope you will be forgiving! (If you can think of something better after reading this post, let me know and perhaps I will make YOUR idea the title!!)

Let me start with the following disclaimer: Ashley has given complete approval for what I am about to write. In fact, we shared a wonderful laugh together last night while talking about it.

So here goes… Little did I know that Ashley, with baby on board, would suddenly have the habits and interests of a 75 year old woman. Please notice that I did not say she turned into a 75 year old woman, and she DEFINITELY does not look like a 75 year old woman! She looks as cute and sexy as ever! But she has begun to exhibit a few traits that I tend to associate with most elderly women: very little bladder control, is ready for bed around 7pm, and LOVES her some Wheel of Fortune. The first two are easily excused as common symptoms of pregnancy (or geriatrics), but the sudden interest in Wheel of Fortune can definitely not be chalked up the normal pregnancy side-effects (although “normal” and “pregnancy” are probably two words that should NEVER be used together).

So last night as we sat on the couch eating dinner (at 6:30 mind you) watching Wheel of Fortune, we both began to laugh as Ashley commented: “Wow! I never realized that being pregnant would cause me to act like a grandma… I mean, why do I love Wheel of Fortune so much!? And I’m ready for bed at like 7!?”

I think I can handle a daily dose of Pat Sajak and Vanna White for the next several months. And going to bed early has definitely helped me wake rested and ready for the new day. And as long as I’m not “on the pot” when Ashley needs to go, I think we’ll be okay. But if by chance Ashley develops the need for some Alex Trebek (Jeopardy) in her life, I will know that we have officially “crossed over” and all hope will be lost… we can even skip the “Cool Parent” try-outs later this spring because that ship will have sailed!

For your viewing pleasure. I can get on board with this kind of Jeopardy :-)

So until next time,  we’re just the J_ne_e_ Tr_i_g T_ Kee_ U_!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Year in Review

As I celebrate my 24th birthday today, I thought I'd take a moment to look back on the 24th year of my life. It has been a year filled with adventure and excitement, ups and down, laughs and tears -- yet all of this has shaped what has likely been the most memorable year of my life thus far. So join me as I rewind to March 6, 2010.

A year ago today I was here:

I was blessed with the opportunity to take the trip of a lifetime to hike the Grand Canyon with some close friends. It was a rugged, yet beautiful adventure!! It is impossible to deny God's creativity, power, and grandeur when you are standing in it!!

Next, Nashville was hit with an epic flood. Our home was spared, but many of our neighbors and close friends were directly affected, and 1000s of people lost their homes. However, it was incredible to see Nashville overcome a dismal situation and "rise up" as one community.

The summer brought many great trips to the lake with the in-laws and a wonderful trip to Kiawah Island, SC with my folks.

As fall rolled around, Ashley and I headed to San Antonio, TX where Ashley completed her first full marathon!! I was her photographer :-)

As 2010 came to a close, Ashley and I received some of best news of our lives -- we were going to have a baby!! Thus began our biggest adventure yet!!

As 2011 kicked off, I joined a church in Pearl, MS on a mission trip to Honduras. God blessed me with an opportunity to be His hands and feet to a village of people with next to nothing, many of who found everything in Christ!! It was amazing to serve alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ - most of whom I'd never met prior to the trip, but now share a unique bond.

And as my 24th year comes to a close, Ashley and I spent a wonderful weekend away at the Whitestone Inn in Kingston, TN. It was such a welcome weekend away with the love of my life!! The Inn was amazing and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking for a Bed & Breakfast with excellent service, delicious cooking, lots of recreational options and comfortable rooms.

So as I begin year #25, I look forward to what God has in store for Ashley and me! It's sure to be a year filled with many more adventures and challenges, but I know that there will be much for which we will be thankful!

Until next time, we're just the Joneses trying to keep up! :-)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boundaries, People, Boundaries!

Hello there! I (Ashley) am happy to be making my debut blog post! Sorry it's taken me so long to write a post, but Oliver has just been doing such a great job. :)

So I am already seeing how you get treated a bit differently when you are pregnant. Some of these differences have been great... free ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop, more compassion for not feeling well, being able to move to the front of the bathroom line, etc. However, some people seem to think that me being pregnant means that all personal boundaries get thrown out the window. Here are a few examples of some serious boundary issues that I've experienced in the past several weeks:

-Someone telling me that I couldn't eat a brownie because it wasn't "good for the baby." I ate it anyways.
-Multiple people (and not close friends or family) making comments about my changing body -- i.e. "Wow, Ash! Your ______s are looking huge today!"
-Someone telling me that they thought that I was starving the baby because they hadn't seen me eating very many snacks. Mostly creepy that she had been watching so closely.
-And lastly, people have already been trying to touch my belly... which is pretty much non-existent. Here is a picture of me at 15 weeks:

These comments are definitely teaching me about speaking up for myself and learning to not take things so personally. And despite these few comments, most of our family, friends and coworkers have been SOOO supportive and wonderful. Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support for us and this little one!!